Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thing #11

Hallelujah! Hurray! I love! I love it! I especially loved that I figured the whole thing out all by myself! Hurray! I signed up, logged in, and added lots of books to my profile. I am a member of the Book Club Chicks (or Babes, depending on what kind of mood we are in) and have been wanting to keep a list of all the books we have read over the years.
Wa-la! I've started keeping track of our books.
I was so excited about how simple this Thing was I forgot to check out some of the groups.
I will do that later.
I am crossing my fingers there will be more Things like this to come.
How will I use this at Sherwood? Well, I will add all the educational books I read (like the one I am reading now, Conscious Discipline) in my Library Thing list.
After my hours of working on that stinkin' cartoon, I feel so much better!


Jodi Pendarvis said...

LOL! You sound just like you in real life!

Wouldn't it be neat if we could start a group ourselves (Sherwood folks) that revolves around the professional lit that we've been reading? Or our personal reading, too, for that matter. I think it would help me stay current in educational, as the librarian, it would help me make decisions pertaining to the professional library. I think.

I know I'd love to see what you've been reading!

Amie Graves said...

Hey Judy B.,
If you're interested, go to and set up your own bookcase. It's a great way to display your books. I just added one to my blog. It goes right along with Jodi's idea (Hi, Jodi!!)