Saturday, June 7, 2008

Thing #6

Mashups....I get it but I don't. I visited several mashup sites. I would have to say I liked the Mappr mashup site best. Here is what I don't get...I looked on the Mappr site and found a map of Alaska. I figured if I clicked on the pictures of the different photos I would get some info on what I was looking at.

Maybe I have come up with another idea for a double mashup!

I made a trading card. Now what do I do with it?


VWB said...

Look at the responses (in Thing 6) other bloggers have had regarding the trading cards and what can be done with them...and are being done with them!

But it is ok...not every"Thing" works for everyone.

Teacher Babs said...

Two years ago one of the math teachers at Spring Woods H created 100 different trading cards on TAKS review questions, and included pictures and bios of our math teachers, famous mathematicians, math facts and more. The students had to go from teacher to teacher to get questions and then trade cards and questions with other students. It was a huge success, but a lot of work.