Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thing #9

I am about blogged out. I did subscribe to a couple more blogs. The 2 feeds I found easiest to use were Google and believe it or not, I used the "how to find your circle of wise" to find a few interesting blogs. The easiest Search tool was Google. I did get confused alot. It doesn't seem that are many counseling blogs. Maybe I should start one? When I searched for counseling blogs, most of the time I found school district websites who were looking for counselors. I am now officially signed up for Mike Falick's blog, which I think might be useful. I also found some teacher's blog which was all about the teacher trying to decide if she should pay $500 to get a crown on her chipped tooth. I can't wait to see what happens at her appointment next Monday.
These blogs are addictive!!

1 comment:

Grendel said...

They are addictive! Isn't it amazing how caught up we can get in one another's lives?